Thursday, July 6, 2017

Bullet To The Heart

Cameron and Phaedra know what it’s like to survive day to day. Coming from the neighborhood they grew up in, hard times were just a way of life. Throughout their teenage years, they relied on each other. In the midst of coming up in broken homes, they always made sure that the other was above water. That was until…. They became parents. Once their son came into the picture, the vision became clear and survival was only a dismal task. They no longer wanted to just stay above water. They wanted to live. In order to do that, they would have to make some drastic decisions. Decisions that years down the line would end up being their Achilles heel.

Ten years after the biggest bank heist ever seen in New Jersey, Cameron and Phaedra are living the life that they dreamed of in the comforts of South Beach Miami Florida. Away from the constant scars and reminders of their rough past, they spent the last decade setting up their new life. A new life for them and their son Trayvon in the midst of peace. That is until, they receive a phone call that will bring them back to the world they longed to get away from. Their past decisions will cause problems for them and the people that were around them. Lives will be lost, enemies will rise that many thought were dead, and family will be caught in the crossfire.

Sometimes you don’t have to be the one to take the bullet in order to feel the pain. The bullet that pierces a person close to you can scar you in ways you could never imagine. It could stop your breathing and cause your life to bleed out of your chest. It could cause you to feel like there’s blood on your hands. And, the only way to wash the blood away is to find the person responsible and fill the streets with theirs. With this title, Elijah Foreman will take you on a fast paced ride. A ride through desperation, greed, karma, and war. All it takes is one bullet to stop everything from moving and turn an entire existence cold. That bullet is delivered on a dish specially made to stop the pumping of the heart. BULLET TO THE HEART…. SOMETIMES THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN ESCAPE YOUR PAST IS TO ENSURE THAT IT CAN’T HAUNT YOU. Available Now on Grab your copy today!

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